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Loving Life with Fibromyalgia

How to heal, build resilience and thrive

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About the Book

Loving Life with Fibromyalgia is an upbeat, easily read guide on how to start relieving symptoms while updating our mental state, and finding ways to live the life you want to be living.

The author shares how she overcame the barriers that stand between chronic illness and a happy life. The book is a tool to help others in a similar situation live their lives to the fullest, find solutions to common problems, and find contentment when that can seem impossible.

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Read about how you can:

-Minimize pain
-Get motivated 
-Figure out how to plan around your body
-Get your joy back

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"Life with long-term symptoms like pain, fatigue, and sleep deprivation can feel like being stuck in the least fun Groundhog Day ever. I'm here to tell you there's a way out. Hard? Sometimes. Impossible? Absolutely not."

-Loving Life with Fibromyalgia

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